Thaddeus and Bartholomew Church in Tehran is one of the oldest churches of Tehran which was constructed on Mowlavi Street in 1768 during Qajar Era. According to the written text found on the wall across from the entrance, some believe that the church was constructed in 1808. Thaddeus and Bartholomew Church in Tehran was built by an Armenian family which moved to Tehran from Isfahan to do the glassworks of Golestan Palace upon the order of Fath Ali Shah. During the renovation of the church, some parts of the plasterworks were ruined and the paintings of many famous people on the wall were destroyed. During the construction of the church, many Christians were buried in the yard because there were no Christian creamery for them in Tehran so many famous European who lived in Tehran were buried there. Thaddeus and Bartholomew Church in Tehran was named after two students of Jesus Christ who expanded the Christianity to Armenia. A religious ceremony is held in this church on the first Friday of each month. To travel to Iran and enjoy its beauties, join Alaedin Travel.