Known as Madraseh Soltani, Madraseh Madar-e Shah and Madraseh Imam Sadeq, Chaharbagh School in Isfahan is a magnificent structure that was stablished during the kingdom of Soltan Hossein, one of the Safavid dynasty’s rulers. With regard to architecture, the well-shaped arches, luxurious gate ornate by gold and silver, delicate rounded dome lined with beautiful tiles and integrated marble altar and pulpit, this school is considered as one of the masterpieces of Islamic constructions. The bright yellow bricks cover a large part of the walls and the dome. Surrounded by arcades, the central court along with its charming garden and a pool, gives access to the students’ rooms. The Kufic inscriptions of the minaret and the dome are truly remarkable and precious. Sangabs are very big containers which are made of stones, and in the past, they were filled with water for drinking and doing Wudu. There are two Sangabs inside the school; one in the entrance hall and the other one is in the courtyard. Chaharbagh School had owned a marvelous library that was destroyed during Afghan invasion. The library with valuable books and papers were allocated to scientists and scholars. The western porch is important due to the fact that it shows the direction of Qibla. The Altar is covered with most delicate and beautiful tile works and mosaics. This structure is referred to as a tilework collection showing the glorious of the past.