Contemporary Arts Museum is a collection of art works in Isfahan. The current museum is a magnificent structure with a total area of 3,000 square meters which dates back to Safavid dynasty and got renovated during Qajar dynasty. It was used as the governor’s office During Pahlavi regime. This beautiful mansion includes a collection of art works in different fields and consists of six exhibition halls, library, office and meeting rooms in two floors. In Book section, a collection of calligraphy works, many volumes of Holy Quran, and poems belonging to Iranian famous artists are displayed. Oil painting section includes artworks such as religious lacquer objects, scrolls, mirror frames, albums and Qalamdans which are boxes made of wood or plastic for keeping calligraphy pens and pencils. They are decorated with different designs of flowers, birds and faces. Persian handicrafts section exhibits various unique textiles and famous carpets from Safavid and Qajar dynasty. Persian miniature section represents Iranian paintings from different cities along with miniature works on leather. In metal work section, jewelry, belt, frames, different kinds of cans, carvings, mirror frame, snuff-box, knives, keys and scissors are exhibited.