Spending time in cafes and having quality times there while having a drink or something to eat became so popular among people especially the young generation. Cafes in Isfahan are usually located in the historic context of the city unlike many other cities in Iran. One of these magnificent cafes is the historical Dehdashti House in Isfahan which turned into a cafe so you would not lonely enjoy its edibles but also the fantastic history and the lovely view of the house. The Dehdashti House originally dates back to the time of Qajar kingdom in Iran. The house which is also known as the Houger Cafe owns two parts; one of them is an indoor area and the other one is outdoor. The outdoor part of the cafe has a wonderful green yard with a fantastic circle pool in the middle having a water fountain. The interior part is the living room of the historical Dehdashti House in Isfahan which is surrounded by some other rooms each having something to present the guests with. To enjoy Isfahan and it’s abundant of attractions, travel to Iran with Alaedin Travel.